Clients Testimonials
Meet few of our happy customers from all around the world.
Carrie E. Pierce, Founder and President of
Due to security reasons, signature has not being displayedApproximately 4 months ago, I hired Ebrandz to help me with SEO for my web based business. We had been in business for three years prior to contacting Ebrandz but the business seemed to be going nowhere fast. My team and I were skilled at research, writing, public speaking and all areas of our niche market- but knew precious little about Search Engine Optimization –and what we didn’t know was sinking us fast.
I was getting very discouraged and the business was taking over my life. I had no time for anything but caring for the website’s needs and trying to find ways to play the online game to win. I literally worked 7 days per week- 10-12 hours per day.
Finally one day near tears and ready to throw in the towel, I came across an Ebrandz ad.
From my first phone call with them I felt immediately comforted and also hopeful.
Polite, kind, caring and understanding of my needs, I was assigned a wonderful team of professionals to help take the load off my shoulders.Almost immediately, we began to make progress as my Ebrandz team worked to optimize the site, assisted us in gaining exposure and helped us with the varied and vast requirements of running a successful online business.
Not only have we seen significant improvements over the last few months, but a couple members of my team in particular have become like family members- popping up at times to say hi on Skype and check in with me.This kind of customer service is unfortunately nearly extinct in today’s fast paced world, and has been a very welcomed change of pace.
Each month I receive updates and status reports re: the work my Ebrandz team does on our behalf, and we are picking up new subscribes to our twice weekly ezine at a much faster pace.
It horrifies me to imagine what might have happened had we not found Ebrandz! As anyone who has a web based business will tell you: a TON of work is required and there comes a point in time when all that work simply can’t be done by a small staff. It would’ve been tragic to have succumbed to the workload and stress of attempting SEO on our own.
If you’re reading my words and nodding your head in agreement, then RUN –DON’T WALK to the nearest phone and call Ebrandz today.They have become a vital part of my team, and I simply can’t say enough good things about them. IT has been a sincere joy working with them and a tremendous relief having them in my corner!’
Thank You Again.
We are an Award Winning Digital Marketing Agency

Office Location
Unit No. 8, Ground Floor, Italian Compound, Itt Bhatti, Goregaon-Mulund Link Road,Goregaon (E),Mumbai-400063.